
Monday, December 10, 2012


He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.

Luke 1:32-33 (NIV)

Preschool Activities
This whole advent season is about waiting for and preparing our hearts for the King of Kings. Yet as Christmas draws closer, all we talk about is this baby in a manger. I want to make sure that my children understand why we celebrate on Christmas morning. I want to help them make the connection between the Baby Jesus in a manger and the Jesus we teach about the rest of the year. 

To that end, out came the family pictures again. This time I wanted to share with my little guy pictures of myself and my husband when we were kids. Then I showed him pictures of us now at work. We were babies and then we grew up. Just like us, Jesus was a baby.  When Jesus grew up he became a carpenter and a teacher.

Jesus was also the King of Kings, which we talked about more when everyone was home.  But I did pull out some paper crowns that I had left-over from a knight-themed birthday party a few years ago.  Paper crowns would also be an easy craft to make with construction paper or even newspapers.  Be sure to decorate them up with sequins, glitter, or stickers!

Family Activities
Jesus is known by  many names, but He is specifically regarded as a king throughout all of scripture.  Click each name for the scripture reference and discuss:

Little man had been wearing his crown all day and big brothers were anxious to join in on the fun.  I saw these Glitter Crown ornaments on Pinterest and I was anxious to see if we could replicate them.  In my opinion, glitter crafts are best done outside!  And while moving outside will minimize the mess, I'm still expect to be amazed at where I will find glitter for days to come.

Service Activities
Treat someone like king for the day!  Share lots of compliments with them.  Find ways to be helpful to them.  Write a letter or draw a picture just for them.

Serve applesauce with cinnamon and sugar in a fancy glass.
Birthday of a King
A King is Coming to Town  

The Cobbler, the Princess, and the Newborn King, by Daniel Foote
The Newborn King, by Lori Froeb

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