
Monday, December 17, 2012


Preschool Activities
We've dealt with Santa three different ways with three different children. I don't think my oldest ever believed. He's very literal, very smart. I don't think he would have believed us if we'd told him his Christmas presents came from a troop of elves in the North Pole. My middle son whole heartily believed in everything magic about Christmas despite the fact that we tried hard to never acknowledge or perpetuate the myth of Santa. Then one day, we bluntly told him the whole truth at the tender age of five. With my youngest, we've tried to limit his exposure to Santa and redirect when asked the inevitable "Are you ready for Santa?" questions. But overall, our strategy has been avoid and don't lie.

Despite our efforts, or lack there of, he loves Santa. Loves Frosty the Snowman.  And loves Rudolph. So, for at least this year again, we're keeping quiet and avoiding the issue. We're not pushing the Santa myth, but we're also not correcting or discouraging his excitement.

And since today is just a fun day, we're reading lots of books, coloring, and painting our noses red.

Family Activities
When the older boys get home from school, we decided that we'll play some reindeer games - like Monopoly!

Whenever possible, I do try to redeem secular Christmas traditions. Flying reindeer may only exist in books and movies, but I love to teach my kids about interesting animals and Answers in Genesis provides an informative page about reindeer that the older boys especially enjoyed.

Service Activities
Learn about therapeutic horse riding for children with special needs.  Make a donation to a location center - they often need supplies or volunteers.

"Reindeer food" aka trail mix:
Use whatever ingredients you have on hand, including some of the following:
pretzel squares
Chex cereal
red and green M&Ms
chocolate chips

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Up on the Housetop  

The Wild Christmas Reindeer, by Jan Brett
Olive, the Other Reindeer, by Vivian Walsh 

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