
Thursday, December 20, 2012


For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given; 
And the government will be upon His shoulder. 
And His name will be called 
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, 
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6 (NKJ)

Preschool Activities
It's getting busy around here.  We're just a few days from Christmas which means presents need to be wrapped, meals need to be planned, and the house needs to be cleaned to prepare for guests.  So today I needed something that could occupy my little man while I accomplished a few things on my own.  He loves to put together puzzles, but I don't have anything Christmas themed.  Since we've also been working on basic number and letter recognition, I decided to make a magnetic popsicle stick number puzzle for him to work on at the fridge.  

I lined up eight popsicle sticks and taped them together before drawing the baby Jesus in a manger (thank goodness for Activity Village's tutorial!).  I wrote the numbers 1-8 on each popsicle stick and attached magnets to the back.  Then I let him get to work sorting out the puzzle pieces while I mopped the kitchen floor.  When he was done, we counted together while I pointed to each number.  Then I asked him who was on the puzzle.  Baby Jesus is always the right answer at Christmas-time!  

Then I explained that Baby Jesus was a gift given to us by God.  Jesus was born to live on this earth so that we would have an example of how to live without sin.  And since sometimes we do still struggle with sin, Jesus died so that all of our sins would be taken away and we can live with him forever in heaven.  

While I don't expect my three-year old to fully understand this truth in his heart until he's older, it's my hope that he will grow up with a certain vocabulary that will make it easier for him to accept Jesus.

Family Activities
Baby Jesus, the greatest gift ever given, was born unto us. We have a set of the Names of Jesus ornaments.  In scrawling letters, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, decorate Christmas globes.

I have not set a strong enough example for my children in my own prayer life.  If I were praying unceasingly, my children should see that, and not just before meals and bed.  So I asked them to all come together for a quick family prayer.  First, I asked them what name do they use when they pray to God.  I heard Father in Heaven and Jesus as I expected.  I read to them the names on our ornaments and a few others found throughout scripture.  The point that I want my kids to understand, is that it doesn't matter what we call Him.  The important thing is that we talk to God throughout our day and know that he listens.  I encouraged them to pray when they wake up, before they eat lunch at school, and every time they see someone sad or needing help.  I know that this is the type of lesson that won't sink in until I practice what I preach.  Isn't it amazing how parenting becomes this process that makes us better as our kids grow?

Service Activities
Today is the last day of school before Christmas break for the boys.  So we put together sweet little snowman gift bags for their teachers filled with oranges, Hershey's kisses, hand sanitizer, tissues, and individually wrapped tea bags.

The snowmen are made from white paper bags.  For each, I cut out two black circles and one orange triangle.  The boys glued them in place for eyes and a nose.  The smile is just drawn on with a Sharpie marker.
For snack, we enjoyed some left over oranges and Hershey kisses.  The kisses because God so loved the world that he sent his only son, born unto us - John 3:16.

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